So...What's a Derby Cross?
The Carolina Derby Cross Series
Each Derby Cross (DX) course will consist of an intermixed combination of show jumps AND cross country fences (including banks, ditches and water), and will be scored in the following way:
-Rail down or 1st refusal at a show jump=5 penalties
-Second refusal at the same fence=10 penalties
-3rd refusal at same fence =Elimination
-1st refusal at a cross country fence=10 penalties
-2nd refusal at same fence=20 penalties
-3rd refusal at same fence =Elimination
-Eliminated riders are encouraged to complete their course, as long as safety is not an issue.
Rounds will be timed at a pace between the show jumping pace and cross country pace dictated at each level---with Levels being offered from Maiden (2'3" max), Beginner Novice (2'7" max), Novice (2'11" max), Training (3'3" max) to Preliminary (3'7" max)....with 1 penalty for each second over the time allowed.
Additionally, each horse/rider combination will be given a "style" score from 0-10, with 0 being 'not performed', 1 being an audible gasp from onlookers, and 10 being 'Wow!!!'. The style score will be a measure of style over fences (No, not necessarily whether your horse's knees are up to his eyeballs--although that rarely hurts!), such as evenness of rhythm and pace, straightness, balance, and overall rideability .
Entry Fee: $75 per course. Riders may ride a horse in more than one course (or level), or one course more than one time, but if repeating a course at the same level, only the first round will count toward awards.
Stabling: (Limited at Secrist Farm, and surrounding farms) will be available for $35/night with a $40 refundable (check torn up if stall left CLEAN--not stripped) stall cleaning deposit.
***Additionally, Mitch Williamson of Action Equine Video will be here to video everyone's round!***
Adobe Acrobat document [219.7 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [64.0 KB]
Send Entry Form, Release, Coggins, and Payment (made out to Mari Secrist) to:
Mari Secrist/Derby Cross
3000 Lakebay Rd
Vass, NC 28394